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About the Grab Bar Guy

Hi! I’m the Grab Bar Guy.

For over 20 years, I’ve been installing grab bars for homes and businesses near Sarasota, FL. It’s fair to say I know a lot about grab bars and why you may need one.

First of all, grab bars are assistive devices – safety products designed to aid the day-to-day lives of senior citizens and people with disabilities. Specifically, they’re designed to aid people who, due to injury, illness, or age, are unable to safely get out of bed, get off the commode, or step out of the shower without the danger of slipping or falling.

guy standing near van

Preventing Falls for More Than 20 Years

Although grab bars look simple, there can be a lot hanging on them. Preventing slip and fall deaths is no laughing matter. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, over 15,000 people aged 65 or older died from a slip-and-fall-related injury in 2005 alone – and roughly 1.8 million were hospitalized. Grab bars aren’t just for the elderly, either. A 2012 Census Bureau report showed that almost 20% of Americans experience a disability of some kind. Of those, 30.6 million reported disabilities related to mobility.

In short, there are a large number of people who need grab bars, and if you don’t need one yourself, you probably know someone who does. If you do need one, you know that a grab bar needs to be installed precisely. Grab bars must be drilled into existing fixtures that can be damaged if not done correctly and implemented according to rules established in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

That’s where I come in. I’m the Grab Bar Guy, and I promise prompt, respectful, and same-day installation of your grab bar. In addition, I’m fully bonded and insured, and I stand behind a reputation for trustworthy service. Grab your phone and give me a call today!

Home Safety Is Just a Phone Call Away